4573 - A Losers Acceptance - 1080p HD

I understand tradition and the way you were brought up. You were taught certain stories and you believed them. You were told about an invisible man in the sky and that you were supposed to worship him. It's time that you accepted something - I AM YOUR GOD. What you always believed in is for losers and it's time for a new truth. What is better to worship - something you will never see or know? Or My sublime body - the one that already brings you to your knees? You feel weak in My presence, do you not? A loser like you needs something to bow down to. Don't get caught up in the words. Beta. Loser. Cuck. These are just talking points to describe your surrender to your Goddess. They don't do justice to how you feel about Me. You not only accept your loser status, you embrace it, the way only a true believer can. I own you in a way no man-made religion could ever make you feel. Now, get on your knees. Now. And worship Me...

4573 - A Losers Acceptance - 1080p HD